Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A week with grandma

Scott and I went out of town last week and came home with a bad stomach virus. Scott got it first and then gave it to me. I am still in the bed recovering and miss Nate so much. He has stayed with Scott's parents so that he didn't catch this horrible thing. It will have been 6 days since I have seen him. I am going crazy, but know that he is in good hands. He pulled out his feeding tube on Sunday and since Scott and I were both sick we didn't want to expose him to this virus so we didn't put it back in. Since then he has been taking all of his bottle by mouth. If he is able to continue taking enough by mouth he can stay off the tube.

He went to the doctors in Atlanta this morning and got a good report from the liver doctor. He took him off three of his medications so we are down to four, which is really exciting. He had another swallow study to see if he was aspirating and he still is on the thinner consistencies so no change. This was discouraging. They will not test him again until he is a year old. If he is able to continue gaining weight by taking enough of his bottle by mouth than he will be ok and will not have to put a feeding tube back in. Keep your fingers crossed.

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